Nordic Dialogue Forum for LCA, climate and buildings
The Nordic Dialogue Forum for LCA, climate and buildings is developed in collaboration with the Nordic building authorities with the purpose is to give input to Nordic harmonization of life cycle assessment of climate emissions from buildings with the aim to reduce the building sector’s climate emissions.
The Nordic Council of Ministers decided the 29 of May 2018 in Stockholm to initiate a work for Nordic harmonization of building regulations concerning climate emissions. As a result, the Ministry of the Environment in Finland and the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning took the initiative to arrange a conference, Nordic Climate Forum for Construction, in Malmö the 3rd of October, to bring together the Nordic construction authorities and the foremost in academia and construction industry. The main target for the conference was to start up the work for Nordic harmonization on regulations and climate emissions from buildings from a life cycle perspective.
To bring the Nordic cooperation forward after the conference, a platform for dialogue and exchange of information was formed. The platform consist of a working group, the Nordic working group for LCA, climate and buildings which consist of around 30 representatives from the Nordic building authorities, academia and industry, and a bigger network open for all with of representatives from academia and industry. Read more about group and network below.
Working group
The representatives in the working group are based on proposals from the Nordic building authorities in collaboration with Swedish Life Cycle Center. Within the working group’s participants can exchange experience, map the latest research, raise knowledge gaps, capture interest, and increase understanding within the framework of the LCA working group, with the aim of facilitating the Nordic harmonization effort.
Aim & purpose
The purpose of this working group is to give input to Nordic harmonization of life cycle assessment of climate emissions buildings with the aim to reduce the building sector’s climate emissions. Furthermore is the aim of the also to work for Nordic collaboration on issues related to mainstreaming LCA methods, their practical application and normative development of climate impacts of buildings.
This is done by bringing together key actors from the Nordic construction industry and academia together with the building authorities. The working group constitutes an important forum for contributing to the development of the policy framework, for example climate declarations of buildings, and can lead to the initiation of new projects such as development of methodology and state-of-the-art for LCA of climate for buildings.
The Nordic Climate Forum 2019 in Malmö marks the start of this group. In December 2019 the working group had its first meeting and after that the group have had regular meetings. Newsletters have been sent out to the Network and the group also had the opportunity to give input to the program for the second and third Nordic Climate forum. The continued dialogue will take place through web meetings. Outputs from meetings has been used as very valuable input for the building authorities in the development of regulations concerning climate emission from buildings.
Public webinar
Information from the working group will also be disseminated to a broader group of stakeholders through, among other things, the implementation of an open webinar. Read more about the webinars here: Webinar 2020 and Webinar 2021
Nordic Climate Forum for Construction
The climate forum is a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from industry, academia, and the finance sector. To read more about each forum and find documentation from previous forums follow the links below.
Nordic Climate Forum 2022
Nordic Climate Forum 2021
Nordic Climate Forum 2020
Nordic Climate Forum 2019
A forum for dialogue with a wider group of stakeholders is formed to spread knowledge and planning of future meeting points, e.g. lead the agenda and planning of next conference. The Network gets updates regularly on what has been up for discussion in the working group and has the opportunity to give input to these questions.
Other questions? Send an email to [email protected]
News, events and publications
Nordic Climate forum for Construction 27 August, 2020
Summer greeting 2021
March 2021: Great discussions at Nordic working group meeting
January 2021: Published Nordic building LCA comparison, click the button below to get to the comparison.
Nordic building LCA comparison
Dec 2020: Two memorandum for consultations regarding the proposal for a new law “Climate declarations for buildings” are available. Information in the links below are in Swedish
September 2020:
June 2020:
May 2020:
November 2019: Intense round table discussions during Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2019
Publications of interest (not from the project)
Analysis of the Nordic countries’ approach to building LCA
Livscyklusvurdering for cirkulære løsninger med fokus på klimapåvirkning: Forundersøgelse