Intense round table discussions during Nordic Climate Forum for Construction
On 3-4 of October the first Nordic climate forum for Construction took place in Malmö gathering representatives from authorities, industry and academia within the buildings and construction sector. The main question for the conference was to begin work on Nordic harmonization on climate emissions regulations for buildings. The forum was organized by The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) together with the Ministry of the Environment in Finland in collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers. Inspiration and intense round table discussions during the event will lead to the forming of a network and working group for collaboration between the Nordic countries for further dialouge on these important topics.
With the opening words of Matti Kuittinen (Ministry of the Environment, Finland) about the urgency of the need to act to prevent climate change, the Nordic regions unique integration as a region and the possibilities and benefits in taking the leadership in these urgent matters the conference got a real kickstart. Three keynote speakers followed. First up was Josefina Lindblom (European Commission) who gave a keynote speech about Level(s), a voluntary reporting framework to improve the sustainability of buildings. After Josefina we listened to Esa Kallio (Munifin) who talked about green bonds and other tools used in the financial sector to drive towards sustainability. Finally came Martin Manthorpe from NCC who gave the industries point of view followed by a session about the state of the art in the Nordic countries, similarities and differences between the Nordic countries’ regulations regarding climate emissions in construction, both current and planned.
Focus for the rest of the conference was Round-table discussions on three different main topics, see list below. On every table there was at least one representative from industry, authorities and academia and the goal was to get as much input as possible for the ongoing work in the Nordic countries and their cooperation in these questions. The questions that were in focus for the discussions:
- What can we reach with harmonization?
- What can we harmonize and how?
- How can we move forward with these questions after today?

All participants could after each session of discussions send in their answers on specific questions and thoughts on the matter. This material will be analyzed and summarized after the conference, with the help of Swedish Life Cycle Center. The summary will be an important basis for the continued work with the harmonization of climate emissions regulations. In the continued work all participants are becoming part of a network and during the fall and spring a working group – “Nordic Working Group for harmonization: LCA, climate and buildings” with representatives from authorities, academia and industry will be initiated, with the aim to discuss the matters and give their input to the process.
More information:
The Nordic working group for harmonization, on LCA, climate and buildings is developed in collaboration with the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) and Ministry of the Environment in Finland to address the results from the Nordic Climate Forum of Construction 2019 and to deepen the discussion of a Nordic harmonization of construction between expertise within Nordic building authorities, academia and industry.
Read more about the network and working group here.
Foto: Harri Hakaste
Text: Maria Rydberg