Webinar: Willingness to pay for Circular Economy Offers

Date:Tuesday, 26 April, 2022 Time:09:00 - 10:30

The Swedish Life Cycle Center Board invites partners, Government agencies and SMEs in collaboration with the Center to a Strategic intelligence meeting on ‘Willingness to pay for Circular Economy Offers’.

In this meeting we will focusing on how to increase the understanding of customers driving forces to engage more deeply in circular economy offers. The objective is to introduce available tools and methods how to identify and overcome gaps between offer and expectations.

Speakers: Agnieszka Hunka and Shiva Habibi, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden



  • Welcome and introduction
  • Presentation “Willingness to pay for Circular Offers”
  • Group discussion
  • Sum-up



Agnieszka Hunka, RISE, has background in consumer psychology and environmental science. She helps circular firms to assess market demand for circular products and map profiles of potential customers through data-driven models of behaviour. She also works with testing and evaluation of circular business models.

Shiva Habibi, RISE, holds a Ph.D. in Transport systems. Her research aims to understand the decision making of different agents in transportation systems and develop models to predict their responses to different policy and marketing intervention. Her research interest includes transport planning, transport demand modelling, choice modelling,  transport policy as well as innovative mobility services.

Marie-Louise Lagerstedt Eidrup (moderator)

WHEN: April, 26, 9.00-10.30 (CET)
WHERE: Online with Zoom
COST: Free of charge
Only for partners, Government agencies and SMEs in collaboration with the Center.
QUESTIONS?: Contact [email protected]