Webinar: Life cycle competence needs, current and future, in the Swedish industry sector

Date:Thursday, 21 April, 2022 Time:09:00 - 10:00

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Life cycle competence needs, current and future, in the Swedish industry sector

This webinar will present outcomes from the study “Mapping of the need for life cycle competences among Swedish industrial companies”. The webinar is arranged by the Swedish Life Cycle Center with funding from the Adlerbertska Foundations.

The webinar is aimed at those of you who are interested in the life cycle work of the industrial sector, and what competence is needed today and in the future. 

Presenter: Marie-Louise Lagerstedt Eidrup, Project manager at Swedish Life Cycle Center and Chalmers industriteknik.



  • Welcome and introduction
  • Presentation of results from interviews and survey
  • Discussion
  • Wrap-up


About the project

The aim of this project has been two-folded. Firstly, to map and understand the competences that industry and society demands to respond to internal and external requirements for life cycle information. Secondly, describe the possibilities that life cycle competence provides regarding handling of complex, systemic changes needed to increase competitiveness while transforming into circular economy, sustainable energy systems and a sustainable consumption and production system.

The overall ambition is not only to identify current competence needs but also to increase the understanding of the need for complementary roles in organisations. Roles that are needed both currently and in the future, to implement the changes necessary for a sustainable future. The outcome of this project is also to inspire companies, that are not yet practicing life cycle perspective in their work, to see the opportunities by incorporating a life cycle perspective into their processes.


Project team

Marie-Louise Lagerstedt Eidrup (Chalmers Industriteknik & Swedish Life Cycle Center), Sara Palander (Swedish Life Cycle Center)

Project contact Sara Palander, [email protected], 031 772 56 40

Here is the Zoom link to connect to the webinar. Use password: 537520

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WHEN: April, 21, 9.00-10.00 (CET)
WHERE: Online with Zoom
COST: Free of charge
Only for partners, Government agencies and SMEs in collaboration with the Center.
QUESTIONS?: Contact [email protected]

Results from the study and webinar will be presented at the Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2022 in Berlin and after that the presentation and project report will be published.