Webinar – Environmental footprint in Swedish Industry

Date:Thursday, 26 October, 2023 Time:13:00 - 15:00 CET

The project Environmental footprint in Swedish Industry – increased understanding and implementation started in November 2022. Aim of the project is to make Swedish actors aware of policy development based on Environmental Footprint at the EU level and to clarify the consequences of proposed methodology to better understand what effects an implementation can have in the industry. Vinnova is funding the project.

The webinar will provide a comprehensive update on the EU Environmental Footprint and showcase findings from two case studies conducted within the project. These case studies have distinct focuses. One delves into understanding the consequences of implementing the Circular Footprint Formula (CFF), a component of the PEF framework, within the automotive industry, particularly focusing on materials used in batteries. The other case study centers on modeling the climate change impact, with a specific emphasis on biogenic carbon within interconnected product systems and long-lasting products.

We encourage questions and interactions during the webinar, and there will be several opportunities for engagement.

About the project

About the case studies


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Update on the Environmental footprint process – latest news and developments
  • Insights and experiences from industrial case studies on Product Environmental Footprint
  • Q&A
  • Summary and way forward

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Date: October 26th, 2023
Time: 13:00-15:00 CEST
Place: Online on Zoom
Price: Free of charge
For whom: Public

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Maria Rydberg, Director
+46 31 772 11 34
[email protected]