Webinar #2: Innovative LCA tools: Exploring Premise, Activity Browser and Brightway
Welcome to the second webinar in the series “Innovative LCA tools: Exploring Premise, Activity Browser and Brightway”. Our speakers will share personal reflections, demonstrate streamlined workflows, and unveil the potential of innovative LCA tools in pushing the boundaries of LCA research. Whether you’re a novice, practitioner, or researcher, join us for insights into efficiency, innovation, and the possibilities Brightway brings to the world of LCA.
- Welcome and introduction
- Presentations
- Q&A
- Sum-up
More info about the presentations and speakers
Presentation 1: Navigating Brightway, Activity Browser, and Premise: A Novice’s Journey
This presentation will delve into the journey of transitioning from SimaPro to Brightway and Activity Browser as an absolute Python beginner, as well as the user experience on Premise. It offers a personal reflection on the challenges encountered while learning and using these tools, along with an exploration of different features of these tools.
Speaker: Shan Zhang is a PhD candidate from Department of Energy and Technology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, specializes in assessing environmental impacts of emerging battery chemistries using (Prospective) Life Cycle Assessment.
Presentation 2: Improved workflow with brightway and the Activity Browser
In general, doing an LCA requires switching back and forth between different tools (Excel, Word, openLCA or others). However, this workflow is not practical to update, prone to typing mistakes and sometimes complex to adapt to specific needs. This presentation will show examples of how this workflow can be improved with the use of brightway combined with its user interface, the Activity Browser, for a more transparent, easy to update and adaptable way of doing LCA.
Speaker: Adeline Jerome is a PhD student at the division of Environmental System Analysis at Chalmers University of Technology. Her work focuses on the environmental impact assessment of circular economy strategies with circular indicators and LCA.
Presentation 3: Using Brightway to gain insight into variability and uncertainty in LCA
Brightway offers the possibility to push the boundaries of conventional LCA and explore new areas. This presentation will illustrate how Brightway can be used in research to better understand the effects of variability and uncertainty on LCA results.
Speaker: Léa Braud is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Division of Sustainability Assessment and Management at the KTH Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED). Her current research focuses on Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) methodologies for the analysis of environmental, social, and economic impacts of wind power production in. A key element of Léa’s work is to develop open source tools to facilitate the integration of social aspects into prospective LCA studies.
Join the webinar
Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
Time: 13:30-15:00 CET
Place: Online via Zoom (link has been sent out with the meeting invitation)
Price: Free of charge
For whom: Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center, SMEs and Government agencies in collaboration with the Center
Yulia Liu, Project Manager
+46 31 772 22 30
[email protected]