Project idea workshop – spin off ideas from the project Modeling of recycling
A meeting will be arranged within Swedish Life Cycle Center together with Tomas Ekvall at Chalmers to discuss and develop project ideas originated from the successful and appreciated project Modeling of Recycling with interested researchers, practitioners and decision makers. Read more about Modeling of Recycling here or watch the webinar from the project here.
Practical information
The meeting will take place online through Zoom. The meeting is divided into two parts since there are two possible project ideas: 1 a and b) broadening and deepening the modeling of material recycling, and 2) modeling energy recovery. You can listen in and discuss both or choose one that is of more interest to you or your organization.
This meeting is coordinated within the project Innovation cluster for the life cycle perspective.
For Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center and invited guest. If you are interested in joining the meeting please contact: [email protected]