Join us online for a discussion about harmonization of building regulation and low carbon emissions in the Nordic Countries, and what is next.
The Nordic ministers decided in 2018 that harmonization of building regulation should be strengthened. This led to the first Nordic Climate forum for Construction in 2019, which became the starting point of an effort towards Nordic harmonization for low carbon emissions from construction.
The climate forum is planned as a yearly event for discussions with policymakers and stakeholders from industry, academia, and the finance sector.
Join us for discussions, debates, and exchange of knowledge on LCA methods, data, tools, and policies.
Read full invitation and program here
Register for the webinar
10.00 Opening words – Lise Aaen Kobberholm, Deputy Director at the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority and moderator Maria Rydberg, project manager at Swedish Life Cycle Center
10.10 Presentations about status and current issues from authority, industry and academia
10.55 Coffee break
11.05 Nordic ministers give their greetings –Video
11.15 Presentations to prepare for roundtable discussions
12.05 Lunch break
12.50 Introduction to roundtable discussions
13.00 Roundtable discussion 1 –Nordic climate database. See questions for the discussion here.
13.50 Coffee break
14.00 Insights from high-level representatives of the European Commission –Video
14.10 Roundtable discussion 2 –Nordic regulation. See questions for the discussion here.
15.00 Insights on the challenges of reducing the carbon footprint of construction–Video
15.10 Conclusion and way forward
Anders Brodersen Jensen, project manager, The Danish Transport, Construction, and Housing Authority
Anders will give an update on the development in the Nordic countries, and on the work of Nordic harmonization. He will further focus on some of the current issues the Nordic countries are facing. |
Christine Collin, Senior sustainability consultant, Rambøll
Introduction to market tendencies in the industry and LCA collaboration across the Nordic countries as seen from the perspective of a large engineering and architecture consultancy. A brief run-through current issues and potential solutions within digitalization, process optimization and data- and benchmark availability. |
Harpa Birgisdottir, Senior Researcher, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University Copenhagen
The presentation will focus on what is happening in academia within research for harmonization of methods for LCA of buildings – challenges, barriers, and solutions. Furthermore, the reduction potential of the climate impacts of buildings and the need for a definition of carbon budgets for buildings which are important for developing climate-neutral building stocks. |
Matti Kuittinen, Senior Advisor, Ministry of the Environment of Finland
How is the generic database being developed and what is its potential for Nordic collaboration? In this presentation, we will also hear about how the stakeholders can participate in the development process.
Thomas Johansson, Expert Environment and Climate project manager, National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning
Presentation of the current status on the Swedish – Finnish joint development of a climate database with generic values. |
Kristina Einarsson, Expert Environment and Climate project manager, National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning
Kristina will talk about the challenges of Nordic harmonization when the countries have different ambitions and schedule. Sweden is expected to be the first Nordic country with a regulation on climate impact from buildings from 2022. Sweden’s proposal for regulation is presented as the basis for round table discussion 2. |
Katharina Th. Bramslev, CEO, Norwegian Green Building Council
Our sector is one of the worst polluters, but also the sector that has the technology, the knowledge and the will to reduce most in the short run. There are several steps the industry ourselves, but also the authority can and need to do to halve the emissions without significant costs. We suggest some. |
Questions? Welcome to contact [email protected] or [email protected]
The presentation on a Nordic database and Nordic regulation will be the basis for the roundtable discussions in the afternoon. Please review the questions, that we will ask you to discuss and answer at the roundtable discussions.
Questions for roundtable discussions
For your information, have we provided a comparison of the LCA methods in the Nordic countries, open it by clicking the button below.
Comparison of LCA methods – link will come on Monday 24 August.