Shaping the future — Network Conference and kickoff for Stage 9

Date:Thursday, 07 February, 2019 Time:13:00 - 17:00

Welcome to a Network Conference with inspiring speakers and workshops focusing on the future activities for the center. How shall we work in order to reach our expected outcomes in three years? Have you got ideas for interesting projects or collaboration activities? What working groups and expert groups do we need? This is a chance for you to get inspiration from well cited speakers and together with your life cycle network create activities that give you most value.


About the speakers

Matthias Finkbeiner: Life Cycle Management in policy and industry

Approaches and success factors for the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment in policy and industry. Examples from the automotive industry and the European CO2 legislation for cars will also be given.

Matthias Finkbeiner is Professor at the Technische Universität, Berlin. His areas of expertise stretch from Environmental Footprinting and Life Cycle Assessment to Life Cycle Management and policy making. He has been the Chairman of the ISO-Committee for Life Cycle Assessment and member of the International Life Cycle Board (ILCB) of The Life Cycle Initiative.


Emma Rex: Between target and information


Life cycle information is but one perspective, if at all considered, in operational activities throughout an organization. A recently completed research project provides insights on the missing links for increased life cycle impact in large industry organisations.

Emma Rex is a researcher and Group Manager at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in areas such as decision support, Life Cycle Thinking, and Circular Economy. Emma has a PhD in Environmental Systems Analysis with focus on how Life Cycle Perspectives are used and integrated in industry.


Mattias Goldmann: Are you completely stupid?

Provocative and inspiring presentation about why climate-smart and circularity are that new obvious choices.

Mattias Goldmann is CEO for the green and liberal think-tank Fores. He was appointed the most powerful in Sustainability Sweden in 2016, and dubbed a knight by the French government for his climate work.





12:00 Lunch

Vegetarian lunch with “recycle your poster”*.

13:00 Welcome & introduction

Ongoing activities within Swedish Life Cycle Center and the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective by Carl Karheiding, Acting Director and Lars Mårtensson, Chair for the board.

13:15 Presentations

Life Cycle Management in policy and industry, with Matthias Finkbeiner

Between target and information, with Emma Rex

Are you completely stupid? with Mattias Goldmann

14:20 Coffee break

A chance to mingle with your life cycle network and have a coffee or tea

14:45 Workshop

During this session you will get the chance to discuss activities and engagements to be arranged during the next three-year stage. Our aim is to use the discussions to feed into real actions for the Technical Secretariat to consider when shaping the activity plan.

16:15 Wrap up and the way forward

16:30 After work

Continue the discussions over a glass just next to the conference hall.


This Network Conference is arranged by Swedish Life Cycle Center through the project Swedish platform for the life cycle perspective, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.

* Recycle your poster gives you the opportunity to once again show your result and discuss your work with colleagues in the network. Bring your poster or e-mail [email protected] to share it with the conference visitors. Research posters and other project posters are welcome!


Drottning Kristinas väg 61
, Stockholm
Map Unavailable Longitude: 0 Latitude: 0


Free of charge, limited seats

For partners of Swedish Life Cycle Center and Government Agencies in collaboration with the center