Environmental Footprint Expert group
Welcome to this meeting in the Environment Footprint Expert group.
The aim of the group is to follow, understand and impact the development of the Environmental Footprint (EF) methodologies (PEF and OEF). Exchange information and experience between Life cycle professionals among partners and other invited stakeholders on the methodologies and the implementation of the EF in EU and national policy. Some coordination of the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) representatives from Sweden.
At this meeting we will discuss the proposal for EU Green Claims Directive and inform about the project “Environmental footprint in Swedish Industry Increased understanding and implementation”.
This meeting is part of the project “Environmental footprint in Swedish Industry Increased understanding and implementation”.
Join the meeting
When: May 12
Time: 13.00-14.30 CEST
Where: Online with Teams (Link will be sent with meeting invitation)
Cost: Free of charge
For whom: Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center, SMEs and Government agencies in collaboration with the Center and invited guests. Registration through separate meeting invitation. Contact [email protected] if you would like to join.
Maria Rydberg, Director, Swedish Life Cycle Center
+46 31 772 11 34
[email protected]