Become a partner in Swedish Life Cycle Center

Date:Tuesday, 04 June, 2019 Time:13:00 - 14:00

Welcome to learn more about partnership in Swedish Life Cycle Center!
The interest in the life cycle perspective and its role for sustainability is increasing among organizations and actors in society, and so is the interest in Swedish Life Cycle Center. We would like to invite your organization to be part of and strengthen the national collaboration within the life cycle field. We aim for credible & applied life cycle thinking globally.

On June 4, 13:00-14:00, an information meeting with invited organizations will take place, with the aim to introduce you to the Swedish Life Cycle Center. The meeting will be organized as a web meeting. Register your interest to participate by mail [email protected]

Preliminary agenda for the meeting:

  • What is Swedish Life Cycle Center & how do we work? (Carl Karheiding, Director Swedish Life Cycle Center)
  • How can results be implemented in business? (Example by Emma Ringström, Sustainability Manager, Pulp & Performance Chemicals, Nouryon)
  • What are the values of being a partner? (Axel Edh, Sustainability Director, Essity
  • Time for open dialogue and questions (Lena Landström, Senior Adviser Environment, Vattenfall)

Register for information meeting

Partners in Swedish Life Cycle Center Stage 9