Graphic identity

Swedish Life Cycle Center collaborates in several different constellations. With partner organizations, with government agencies and with other centers like ours. No matter when or where one must recognize Swedish Life Cycle Center. That is what we call our graphic identity.


The logo is our primary visual feature. It shows that Swedish Life Cycle Center is behind the activity or information. The arrows and circle have been part of the logo since the birth of the organization and they associate to the life cycle and the different steps in it. By consistently following the guidelines for using our logo, it becomes clear to the surroundings what the center means and our brand is strengthened.

Give the logo the space it deserves. To the right the minimum space needed around the logotype is specified.

The logo may not be abused by putting it on different back grounds, turning it upside down, showing it in black/white, cutting it, adding shadows to it or using the circle isolated.



Download logotype






Oxygen is the main font to be used online as well as in print. It is a free font that you can easily download and install through the link below.

How to install

1. Download your choice of Google font by selecting the button “Download family”.
2. Collect your downloaded folder and open it.
3. Double click on one of the True Type font files you just downloaded. For instance, start with “Oxygen-Bold”.
4. Choose “Install” in the dialogue box that appears next. Then repeat step 3-4 until all the True Type font files are installed.
5. Open a blank page in your Microsoft Office program, and search for the new font in the toolbar to make sure it is installed.


Download Oxygen


!”#&/()=?`+´^*_- _:;><¶§
Oxygen Light
Oxygen Regular
Oxygen Bold


Lora is an additional serif font mainly to be used in print. It is a free font that you can easily download and install through the link below.

How to install

1. Download your choice of Google font by selecting the button “Download family”.
2. Collect your downloaded folder and open it.
3. Double click on one of the True Type font files you just downloaded. For instance, start with “Lora-Bold”.
4. Choose “Install” in the dialogue box that appears next. Then repeat step 3-4 until all the True Type font files are installed.
5. Open a blank page in your Microsoft Office program, and search for the new font in the toolbar to make sure it is installed.


Download Lora




!”#&/()=?`+´^*_- _:;><¶§
Lora Regular
Lora Italic
Lora Bold
Lora BoldItalic

Definitions and rules

When a message from the center is carried out through external channels Swedish Life Cycle Center should be the sender, visible with logo or brand name.

For activities carried out within Innovation cluster for the life cycle perspective the cluster should be the sender, Swedish Energy Agency presented as the financier and always in combination with Swedish Life Cycle Center or its logo.

Text to use as a partner

We are partners of Swedish Life Cycle Center, a center of excellence for the advance of applied life cycle thinking in industry and other parts of society. The center is a collaboration platform for universities, industries, research institutes and government agencies for the competence building and exchange of experience to move the life cycle field forward.

The life cycle perspective is used to identify potentials and opportunities for innovations and reduce negative impact on the environment and society. It takes a holistic approach to sustainable development and looks at the impacts throughout the value chain of a product or service, from cradle to grave.

Templates for communication

For presentations please use our Powerpoint template with attached theme.

Please note that you must start by downloading and installing the fonts above and then open the Ppt-template.

Power point template

Use the information sheet in PDF to spread knowledge about the center to others.

Download Information sheet