Scientific Directions Update #5
News from the Scientific director Greg Peters
Its time for my last Scientific Directions update for 2022 and as an expat Aussie my thoughts turn to migratory scientific behaviours during this dark Scandinavian season. Here is a summary of some upcoming conferences and courses you can go to, to deepen your LCA knowledge and spread your wings:
SETAC Dublin
I’ve been seeing a lot of exciting email chatter about the next SETAC conference in Dublin. This premier event for LCA people, environmental chemists and others will run from 30 April to 4 May next year. The abstract deadline has passed but the other deadline to know is 14 March, when the cost of registration goes up.
ALCAS conference
You could also go somewhere warmer for work – the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society is having its biannual conference on 19-20 July next year with a focus on climate action. (Winter in Coolangatta, Queensland, is like summer in Stockholm…) Abstract submission is 15 December so hop on it!
LCM 2023
Calls for papers for the 11th Life Cycle Management conference will close on January 31st. The actual meeting takes place over September 6-8 in Lille, France.
Nordic Build-LCA PhD forum
Chalmers will host this international gathering on May 15th and 16th. This forum aims to provide PhD students working with LCA and the built environment the opportunity to discuss ongoing research with their peers. Abstract submission is 21 February. Read more in the link below.
Course: Advances in Life Cycle Assessment
The Swedish Life Cycle Center’s course for PhD students is back next April! This collaboration between the three university partners will have physical meetings in Gothenburg and Uppsala and a digital component. It’s a great opportunity to meet your peers and earn 5 coursework points to your degree. For more information:
If you would like to draw attention to some progress which researchers your Swedish Life Cycle Center partner organization are making in developing new methods and other developments in the next Scientific Directions Update, please feel free to contact me: gregory.peters at