LCA and vehicles
LCA & vehicles have gathered leading industrial companies in Sweden together with researchers to discuss upcoming questions within LCA.
In a changing world where the vehicles of tomorrow will have a different design compared to those of today new challenges will occur. A grand implementation of electrical an autonomous drives will require LCA knowledge of materials and customer behavior. LCA & vehicles have gathered leading automobile companies in Sweden together with researchers to discuss upcoming questions within LCA.
Aim & objectives
Co-operation between Swedish industry to handle upcoming LCA questions regarding vehicles.
The group did arrange a full day meeting in 2017 to form the group and discuss upcoming topics. Several following meetings has been held connecting individuals to better form a Swedish LCA society within the automobile industry. In september 2018 the group held a full day meeting with the aim to see potential outcomes of future regulations for electric vehicles and LCA and how to manage those outcomes in best way possible.
Project Contact:Patrik Klintbom